Local Conservatives are spearheading opposition to the creation of a housing slum in the centre of Farnborough.
Thanks to the dedication of elected Conservative officials, secret plans to take hundreds of individuals and families from Newham in London and house them in Farnborough were exposed.
Those involved only admitted to the scheme when it was revealed in the local media. Rushmoor Borough Council then issued a very short statement on 28 Sept saying it was aware of commercial negotiations taking place between Newham Borough Council and a private developer.
ANHCA has come to understand that Newham plans to accommodate approximately 200-250 adults and children from it's housing list in the Ham and Blackbird site (also known as Savoy Place). This would force people into accommodation designed for half that number, effectively creating a slum in the very heart of Farnborough.
Unsurprisingly, Aldershot's Labour MP Alex Baker has done nothing to oppose this proposal. Nor has she met meaningfully with those who have legitimate concerns.
It has therefore been left to the Conservatives to challenge this outrageous proposal. Not only have Conservative County and Ward Councillors written a joint letter to the Prime Minister. They have also drawn up a petition to highlight the extent to which local residents oppose this scheme, which is well on its way to 1000 signatures.
Local services are already under pressure. Without additional funding, taking in such a large number of people will place an unacceptable strain on our already fragile services. The insidious way in which this scheme was concocted is also telling of how Labour plans to operate now that it has control of the Council. Such a significant proposal should be shared early with local residents in order to canvas opinion.
Not only is it completely reasonable to oppose the creation of a slum. It is also important to question the concept that Farnborough can become a dumping ground for other Councils who are too disorganised to sort out their own housing issues. Being on a housing list in Newham does not give someone the right to accommodation in a town tens of miles away.
Thanks to local Conservatives in Rushmoor, this scheme is now receiving the challenge and scrutiny it deserves. To add your voice to the growing opposition, make sure to sign the petition and share our posts on Facebook!
Petition link: https://www.change.org/p/stop-newham-s-plans-to-create-slum-housing-in-…